Do You Have a Nightmare WordPress Setup That Your Business Depends On?
time to fix it. forever.
- Is your WordPress website is holding your business back?
- Perhaps people in your company "hate" even routine simple tasks like updating text on your WordPress website?
- Does it feel like you are working so much harder to keep your website updated, than you should actually be? (In fact it should be the opposite)
- Does looking at your plugins, options and settings in your WordPress website make your head spin?
- Do even simple changes break your WordPress website?
- If you answered yes to any of the questions above, join my free mailing list below.
Sign up to get 7-day email course to turn your WordPress website nightmares into a lovely daydream that you and your colleagues love!
First of all, you are not alone.
Second, this can be fixed.
And finally, it can be done in a sustainable and actually enjoyable way.
I'm talking about you and your colleagues actually loving the idea of editing the website. You will be actually excited to craft that new webpage or even an entire marketing campaign like an enthusiastic kid with a new box of crayons!
Before I explain how, let us make some things clear.
WordPress runs 35% of the entire internet! (source: W3Tech and Kinsta) Think about it for a second. 35% of the entire... internet. The market share was 25% in 2016. So it is actually growing at a fast pace.
In numbers, that is around 455 million websites!
The reason I state that is because, WordPress powers the websites of world-famous brands, news publications, blogs of some of the world's biggest companies.
This includes companies, that depend on their WordPress website every single day for generating sales, leads, finding new customer and clients.
And yet there exist a lot of companies (yours included) who are struggling to make WordPress work for them. They struggle to make the simplest changes.
One of the reason for WordPress's growth is its open-ended nature. There are 55,086 plugins for WordPress at the time of writing this.
This is a massive double-edged sword. When you know how to configure, setup and maintain your website well, it can become an efficient never-sleeping, super-intelligent sales / marketing / support employee.
But when you don't know what you're doing, the opposite can happen - a massive roadblock to your company's growth.
Now everyday there are new startups, SaaS companies, themes, page builder, plugins released for WordPress. It is not your job to keep track of them, test them and find out what is the best combination that will work for your business.
That is why I made this email course.
© 2020, Rajavanya Subramaniyan