This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has done their research. Thrive themes’ themes suck.
Its hard to customise – even for basic stuff like fonts, colors, spacing. Its just bad aesthetics. But doesn’t mean its bad for conversions and for validating your ideas. But the good news is that they are making a theme builder using which you can make all type of themes.
But… I wouldn’t advice using it at least 6-8 weeks after the initial launch as I’ve always advised. (refer my thrive themes’ plugins update policy advice)
So what themes do I recommend to be used with thrive plugins – even major plugins like Thrive architect, leads and ultimatum.
Here is the list
- Genesis child themes from StudioPress
- Building genesis child themes with Dynamik Website Builder on genesis framework (This isn’t the cheap choice, but I use and prefer this)
- GeneratePress themes
- Astra themes
The list is based on opinions collected from facebook groups of thrive themes users who are happy with this setup.