Spammy marketers, best practices and established companies

I started my journey as a freelancer who worked mostly with spammy marketers or informational product sellers. Most of them wanted to have the same brand voice, same copywriting style, same sequences, conversion tricks.

But one thing that struck me immediately was how advanced these ‘spammy’ marketers were in their marketing stack. Their copywriting skills, ability to profile customers, segmentation, funnel automation were all top-notch.

But they have unremarkable products.

But the rest of the business compensated for it so well.

I say unremarkable because I wonder how many of them can honestly expose their NPS publicly. (Net-Promoter-Score)

What % of their customers will happily recommend them to friends?

I know many have good testimonials, but the problem with informational and coaching products is that it depends a lot on psychographics than demographics and the success rate can be far less than what they project it to be.

And often they say, “Well, you need to put in the work” and if we don’t get results, it simply means we didn’t put enough work in. It has a scary resemblance to people selling faith.

I think it would be better if they simply acknowledge their product can evolve and get better, and is not for everybody and can fail even if they put in the work.

Their marketing was so advanced that they made sales and often sold their own marketing strategies as the product itself.

Which is why often it feels like ‘people selling courses to teach people how to sell courses to teach people how to sell courses to teach people how to sell courses‘ – I think.