The Beauty of Email Sequences

I really can’t believe email sequences are *not* more popular than they are.

I also can’t believe that there exist people on the web who teach or coach online and they aren’t using it… yet.

If you think about it, every business spends loads of time educating their potential customers. I mean that is what most of the sales calls and meetings are for.

And when I say email sequences, I am talking about a sequence that is sent out for X number of days. For e.g. A 7 day email sequence to help someone solve a particular problem, learn something etc.

So why can’t I believe they aren’t as popular than they are?

Email sequences are the easiest way to

  • Get the attention of existing customers or potential customers everyday with their own permission.
  • Educate them everyday.
  • Create what we fancily call “brand touch-points”. Another term for developing a relationship over time by communicating regularly so they feel comfortable with you. Like the dates you go on with a person you like.
  • Help your prospects or customers develop a habit and practice something regularly. If your customers success depends on you helping them develop a habit or practicing somethingEsp. Music, fitness, productivity etc. it is a sin if you don’t use email sequences. Just kidding… not really.
  • Pre-qualify and filter the “not-good-fit” customers and clients so you don’t have to spend time with them in meetings and calls.

I’ll stop there.

My challenge to you – Can you show me a business that cannot benefit from educating their prospects or customers over a simple email sequence?