Do You Want To Redesign Your Current Website Using Thrive Themes? (Let's Give It Powerful Marketing Features Too)

What Peoples Say About My Thrive Themes Services
Who Are My Clients?

Landing Pages + Email Marketing

I help with email marketing based businesses. This typically means, you have a regular means of collecting leads, and you funnel them into your email marketing platform, to nurture them and convert them to your loyal customers. You do this, by well designed landing pages, squeeze or webinar pages and other forms of collecting leads.

Marketing Funnels

I help optimise your funnel. I build strategically high converting landing pages, lead generation pages, webinar pages and other parts of your funnel and integrate them seamlessly with your site. I take care of all the technical mumbo jumbo that goes behind the scenes, so you can finally take a nap on your hammock knowing it will be done the best way.


You have a website where you sell free/paid membership of some form. Or dream of having one soon. Let me help you with setting up your membership plugin and learning management system and your payment systems. I make sure your members love being on your site, and get the most optimum experience in terms of speed and usability.

We should work together if you need someone who...
  • Helps you build your Thrive Themes website, setup Thrive Leads, Thrive Ovation, Thrive Quiz Builder, Thrive Landing Pages, Thrive Ultimatum, Thrive Clever Widgets and Thrive Headline Optimizer.
  • Has helped clients like you build successful online businesses and taken existing business to new heights.
  • Is a Designer and Developer and yet actually understands business and experienced in online marketing.
  • Brings new insights into lead generation, marketing automation, copy-writing etc.
  • Creates highly converting, beautiful landing pages, sales pages and lead magnets at lightning speed.
  • Is a developer with years of experience and yet speaks English instead of technical sorcery so you finally get it.
We won't be a good fit for each other if...
  • You need a full website done that is 'urgent' and needs to be finished in 3-5 days time. Nothing personal, from my past experiences usually its a red flag. I do have regular long term clients with tasks which sometimes have very short deadlines, which I love to get it done. But it works only because I already have a deep understanding of their business and products.
  • To you, business is about making money and profit in short term. While I exist to help my clients' businesses increase their profits and be more successful, it usually happens because they build amazing products, care about their customers and think in the long term.
We will make an extraordinary team if...
  • You have a business that adds real value to your customers/clients
  • You truly believe you / your products are making a positive change in people's lives
  • You love to build, tweak, listen to feedback and improve products until it becomes the best of its kind.
  • You have a clear idea of why you do what you do, so everything you do exists solely to fulfil your business' purpose
​I'm Rajavanya Subramaniyan, Long for 'Raj'

I love online marketing. I love every part of this complex process. Everything from copywriting, understanding niches / audience, sales pages, funnels, designing layouts that convert and then A/B testing them.

Its so complex yet so beautiful when it all comes together. I find people like you who understands this process even more fascinating. I love to help clients who are carving their unique path on this planet.

A bit of background - I started my professional career at the age of 18 as a professional programmer for computer graphics and sorts. Then moved to become a game programmer and after having worked for years as lead programmer in mobile games, web and desktop software.

I decided to drop all of that and build a business to create online marketing solutions for clients. It combined all of my passions in one place - marketing, designing and programming.

Now I have a small team and we help create websites and marketing/sales funnels for online marketing based businesses. I craft high-converting landing pages, with Thrive Architect. I highly specialize on rapid landing page design, sales page design, lead magnet design and high converting homepage design.

Lets talk more about what I can do for your business, go ahead and contact me.